Our Aircraft Fleet
Murray Bridge Light Aircraft Flying School offers flight training programs for the following certificates and ratings:
The Jabiru aircraft factory located in Bundaberg Queensland has been producing quality Australia made Recreational aircraft for over 20 years. There are thousands of these amazing aircraft throughout the world. We are fortunate to have 3 excellent examples of the Jabiru range (factory built) in our fleet. All aircraft in the fleet are maintained to the highest standard.
The J160 and J170. Designed to JAR –VLA European Airworthiness Standard. Cruise speed 95 knots. Range- approximately 7 hours. The 4 stroke JABIRU 2200 cc engine designed specifically for the Jabiru aircraft. Gentle and predictable stall characteristics, with light and responsive controls, make JABIRU a true sport aircraft. Stall speed with flaps at Gross Weight 45 KIAS All composite construction removes the corrosion problem.
The Jabiru J230 is the larger brother to the J170 and operates with a Jabiru 6 cylinder engine, cruising at